Sunday 25 January 2015



Okay awkward...

Have you ever felt awkward before? Like how a simple human emotion can prevent two people from interacting with each other. It is like an invisible barrier that is impossible to cross.

I have discovered something, that the feeling of awkwardness seems to be non-existent to adults, and hence I ask myself why, maybe it is because they can hide it, or is it because their experience in the society is so vast that they can socialize so well and turn awkwardness into gracefulness? I would like to share my thoughts about awkwardness, and how I prevent it.

To me, there are only two types of 'awkward' behavior that exist. Socially awkward and Communication awkward, with the first being awkward around a group of people and the latter being not knowing what to say next (having nothing else to say that just leaves you in an awkward silence situation).

Socially awkward is something I suffer from most of the time, everyone around looks like they fit perfectly in the group and you just seem to stand out. You are so afraid that the people around you might judge you and you easily lose confidence in everything around you. But you have to realize the fact that you are not alone, everyone else in the group who seem to fit perfectly might be feeling the same thing.Go up to someone, say something that you can both relate to, something like "this is so awkward" is good enough to start a conversation, and that is when you face Communication awkward.

Here's a scenario :
"This is so awkward"
This is what you would want to avoid. What I would do in this scenario is instantly drop a question after the person reply with something like 'yea'. Why? Because you don't want the topic to be about 'being awkward' but something else which may interest the both of you. Don't ask a question that a person would expect, like 'how old are you', ask something like 'what book are you reading? is it good?'

I hope what I wrote may help you, because it did help me :D

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